Mechanism of vaginal gas: Vaginal gas, or “queefing,” is when air gets trapped inside the vagina during intercourse,after delivery or after tampon insertion or pelvic exam. Sometimes air gets trapped because of specific positions during yoga or sport activities and causes Vaginal gas.
Once air is trapped, it will eventually be released from the vagina and can cause a sound similar to common flatulence from the rectum. Many women have symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction that can be a cause of social distress and loss of quality of life due to taboo and shame about these conditions.
What can cause vaginal sound?
It is not uncommon for women to experience vaginal noise (VN), especially during posture changes and sexual intercourse. VN is typically described as a very weak sound, very similar to, but far weaker than, anal flatus .It has no odor.
It can be very embarrassing and impacts women’s confidence.
Vaginal noise (VN) can be a symptom of pelvic floor (PF) dysfunction.
Childbirth and pelvic organ prolapse (POP), excessive weight loss, heavy lifting and sometimes genetic can be it’s predisposing factors.
About Your Pelvic Floor Muscles
Your pelvic floor muscles form the bottom of your pelvis and support your pelvic organs (uterus, bladder, and bowel). Your pelvic floor muscles are the muscles you would use to stop your stream of urine or keep yourself from passing gas or having a bowel movement (pooping). They’re also the muscles that can contract (tighten) during an orgasm. Figure 1 shows your pelvic muscles and organs.
Identifying your pelvic floor muscles for kegel exercise
If you’re not sure which muscles are your pelvic floor muscles, here are some ways you can identify them:
- Imagine you’re urinating (peeing). Contract the muscles you would use to stop the stream of urine. Don’t actually practice stopping your urine stream, especially if your bladder is full. This can actually weaken your muscles and lead to your bladder not emptying completely. This increases your risk for a urinary tract infection (UTI).
- Contract the muscles you use to hold back a bowel movement or keep yourself from passing gas, but don’t contract your buttock (butt), abdomen (belly), or inner thigh muscles. If you do it correctly, your body shouldn’t lift up at all. If you notice that your body lifts slightly, you’re probably using your buttock muscles.
- There are other methods too. Ask your Doctor for them.
Here 3 ways to get rid of Vaginal Gas:
1. Doing Kegel Exercises:
Once you learn to correctly contract your pelvic floor muscles, do 2 to 3 sessions of Kegel exercises every day to get the best results. It’s best to spread the sessions out during the day.
Before you start, get into a comfortable position so your body is relaxed. Most people prefer doing Kegel exercises when lying down on a bed or sitting in a chair. Once you’re familiar with the exercises, you should be able to do them in any position and in any place, such as standing and waiting in a line.
Once you’re comfortable, follow these steps:
- Breathe in deeply through your nose, letting your abdomen rise as it fills with air. Keep your pelvic floor muscles relaxed as you breathe in.
- Breathe out slowly through your mouth as you gently contract your pelvic floor muscles.
- Keep your pelvic floor muscles contracted for 3 to 6 seconds (until your muscles start to get tired) while you breathe out. This is called a contraction.
- Breathe in again and release the contraction. This relaxes your muscles.
- Relax your muscles completely for 6 to 10 seconds. It’s very important that you relax fully between each contraction and that you don’t hold your breath. Always spend the same amount of time or longer relaxing your muscles as you did contracting them.
Repeat this exercise 10 times per session for better treatment of vaginal laxity and vaginal gas treatment.
2. Non Surgical Methods
Vaginal Radio-frequency: Through the sending radio-frequency waves ,it stimulates fibroblasts to produce more collagen and helps vagina regains its normal consistency and elasticity that treats the vaginal gas significantly.
3. Vaginoplasty
In the vaginoplasty surgical process, the excessive mucosae will be removed and the underlying connective tissue and fascia will be stitched in the proper position, by this way the patient feels improvement in vaginal gas experience. You can reach out to Dr Mozhgan to know more about the procedure and discuss if it’s the right solution for you.