low testosterone
Female Sexual Dysfunction, Women's Health

Unlock Low Testosterone levels For Better Women’s Sexual Drive

Testosterone, commonly known as male sex hormone, is an essential steroid hormone for both men and women. In women, testosterone is responsible for regulating sex drive, maintaining emotional well-being, and regulating vital systems. A decline in testosterone levels (low testosterone levels) can cause disruption in sexual motivation, mood, and period cycle. Whereas higher levels of testosterone may lead to PCOS, infertility, and obesity. 

What is Testosterone? 

Testosterone is a steroid hormone that is primarily produced by the testes in men and in small quantities by the ovaries and adrenal glands in women. Although testosterone is commonly known as a male sex hormone, it is vital and serves important roles for women as well. 

In men, testosterone plays a crucial part in developing secondary sexual characteristics, and reproductive tissues. Whereas in women, it is responsible for maintaining bone strength and sexual behavior. 

Functions of Testosterone in Men & Women 

A closer look at how testosterone functions in men and women. 

  1. Functions of Testosterone in Men
    – Regulate fertility
    – Development and maintenance of muscle mass and strength
    – Maintain healthy fat distribution
    – Produce red blood cells
    – Regulate sex drive
    – Maintain bone mass and strength 
  1. Functions of Testosterone in Women
    – Regulate vital systems
    – Regulate sex drive
    – Maintain bone mass
    – Maintain mood and emotional health
    – Manage energy levels and muscle mass
Low testosterone in women and men

Low Testosterone Effect on Sexual Drive in Women 

Testosterone, as we all know, is the key driver of male libido. Adequate testosterone levels assist men through every step of the sexual response cycle, including desire, arousal, and satisfaction. Countless imaging studies and research have shown a strong link between testosterone and libido in men as it results in increased sex drive, sensitivity to sexual touch, and sexual satisfaction. 

But how does testosterone impact women and their desire? Let’s take a closer look. 

Although present in smaller quantities, testosterone is a crucial player in maintaining sexual desire in women. Here’s a breakdown of how testosterone impacts libido, sensitivity to touch, and sexual satisfaction in women: 

  1. Libido: Several studies have found that adequate levels of testosterone are vital for libido in women. It plays an essential role in regulating several systems that influence mood, energy, fitness level, and overall physical and mental health in women. As women grow older, a natural decline in testosterone levels can significantly impact sexual desire and health. 
  2. Sensitivity to Sexual Touch: Testosterone contributes to sensory processing as it influences the sensitivity of nerve endings and receptors in erogenous zones. As it increases the responsiveness of nerve endings, testosterone creates a heightened sensory touch, thereby enhancing the overall sexual experience. 
  3. Sexual Satisfaction: Adequate levels of testosterone are essential for sexual satisfaction in women. As testosterone influences every step of the sexual response cycle, balanced testosterone levels are necessary to achieve an overall fulfilling sexual experience. 
  4. Orgasmic Response: Testosterone influences orgasmic response in women through a variety of ways, including enhancing sensory sensitivity, promoting blood flow and genital response, influencing muscle contractions, regulating emotional well-being, and releasing endorphins.

It’s important to mention that individual responses to testosterone vary according to age, psychological well-being, and overall health. If there are any concerns regarding your sexual health or hormone levels, it’s imperative to consult a qualified gynecologist near you. 

Low Testosterone in Women 

Normal Range of Testosterone in Women 

Testosterone levels vary based on several individual factors and the “normal range” may differ according to laboratories. However, a general guideline is 15 to 70 nanograms per deciliter [ng/dl] of blood. 

Lower levels of testosterone may cause changes in breast tissues, fertility issues, low sex drive, irregular cycles, osteoporosis, and vaginal dryness. Whereas testosterone levels higher than 70 ng/dl may cause acne, blood sugar concerns, excessive hair growth, infertility, lack of period cycle, obesity, and PCOS. 

It’s always important to consider individual factors while assessing testosterone levels. 

Factors that Influence Testosterone Levels in Women 

The factors that influence testosterone levels in women are: 

  • Age: Testosterone levels naturally decline as women age. Women may experience a dip in libido and sexual function as they approach and go through menopause. 
  • Menstrual Cycle: Testosterone levels fluctuate during menstrual cycle. It is typically higher around ovulation and may decrease during the luteal phase. 
  • Menopause: As ovarian functions decline during menopause, women may experience a decline in sexual desire and overall well-being. 
  • Hormonal Conditions: Certain hormonal disorders like PCOS, congenital adrenal hyperplasia [CAH], and hirsutism can disrupt hormonal balance and cause high testosterone levels. 
  • Stress: Studies have shown that higher levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, can lead to lowered testosterone levels. 
  • Tumors: In some cases, high testosterone levels may indicate the presence of tumors on the ovaries or adrenal glands. 

As mentioned previously, testosterone levels are heavily based on individual factors. If you’ve concerns about your hormonal levels or experience symptoms of low or high testosterone levels, it’s important to consult a qualified healthcare professional. 

Effects of Low Testosterone in Women 

Decreased testosterone levels in women can cause a variety of symptoms in women. Some of them are as follows: 

  1. Decreases Sexual Desire: One of the primary symptoms of low testosterone is decreased sexual desire. As we know, testosterone is a crucial player in maintaining sexual interest, and a decline in its level can cause lowered sexual motivation. 
  2. Changes in Arousal: Low testosterone levels may cause changes in arousal making it more difficult for women to become sexually aroused. 
  3. Reduced Sensitivity to Touch: Testosterone influences sensory responsiveness in erogenous zones. A decline in testosterone may lead to reduced sensitivity. 
  4. Difficulty Achieving Orgasm: As testosterone is essential for orgasmic response, lowered levels of testosterone may cause difficulty in achieving orgasm. 
  5. Vaginal Dryness: Testosterone is an essential hormone to maintain vagina health and lubrication. Lowered testosterone levels may cause vaginal dryness leading to discomfort during intercourse. 
  6. Mood Shifts: One of the functions of testosterone in women is maintaining emotional and mental well-being. Therefore, low testosterone levels may cause irritability, anxiety, or depression. These mood shifts may also negatively influence the sexual experience. 

As you can see, a decline in testosterone levels has the potential to negatively impact sexual function and overall well-being. 

Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Women: A Solution to Low Testosterone Levels 

Testosterone Replacement Therapy [TRT] is a treatment typically prescribed for men, but it can also be beneficial for women with low testosterone levels. TRT is a replacement therapy whereby patients are administered exogenous testosterone [testosterone introduced to the body through an external source] to address the symptoms of low testosterone levels. 

How is TRT Administered? 

TRT for women is administered through various methods, including: 

  1. Oral Medications: Some women may take oral testosterone tablets twice a day to make up for low levels. 
  2. Intramuscular Injections: In this method, women inject testosterone into the muscle. The frequency of injection varies according to individual conditions. 
  3. Transdermal Patches: With transdermal patches, women apply it directly to the skin and introduce a specific dose of testosterone into the bloodstream.  
  4. Topical Creams: TRT can also be administered topically through testosterone creams. 
  5. Buccal Administration: Buccal administration involves the use of mucoadhesive tablets that are applied to the gums, thereby providing a controlled and sustained dose of testosterone into the system. 

Benefits and Risks of Testosterone Replacement Therapy 

As with all treatments, TRT comes with its set of benefits and risks. It’s essential to assess these factors before starting testosterone replacement therapy. 

Some of the benefits of TRT in women are as follows: 

  • Improved libido 
  • Improved mood, energy, and overall mental well-being
  • Enhanced sexual satisfaction 

Risks of TRT in women are: 

  • Worsening symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy [BPH] 
  • A possible increased risk of heart attack or stroke 
  • Potential stimulation of prostate cancer growth 
  • Increased risk of blood clots
  • Sleep apnea 

The decision to start testosterone replacement therapy must be made in consultation with a qualified healthcare professional who can assess your symptoms and risks. The long-term safety of TRT for women is still under review. 

Natural Treatments to Boost Testosterone Levels in Women 

Apart from medical interventions, certain natural treatments can also help boost low testosterone levels. Some of them are: 

  1. Dietary Adjustments: Incorporating foods rich in protein, zinc, magnesium, B vitamins, and Omega-3 fatty acids can help assist healthy testosterone levels. 
  2. Supplements: If your diet is low in essential nutrients like zinc, vitamin B, magnesium, etc., consider taking its supplements. 
  3. Lifestyle Habits: Healthy lifestyle habits like maintaining a nutritious diet, getting adequate sleep, incorporating regular exercise, and managing stress can positively influence testosterone levels. 
  4. Weight Management: Managing a healthy weight can also help support testosterone levels. 
  5. Sunlight Exposure: Getting enough sunlight exposure can help improve vitamin D levels, which is essential for testosterone production. 

Get Help with Dr. Mozhgan 

As you can see, testosterone is an essential hormone for sexual health and overall well-being in women. If you’re experiencing symptoms of low testosterone levels or sexual dysfunction, it’s essential to consult a professional. Consider Dr. Mozhgan, one of the best gynecologists in Dubai. With over 20 years of invaluable experience and expertise, she is well-equipped to offer you the best treatment. 

Book an appointment today and take control of your health! 

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