Women's Health

Puberty in Dubai: How to be an Informative Parent in 5 Steps

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What is Puberty?

In simple terms, puberty is the time when the body undergoes several physical changes that allow the child to grow into an adult.

Stages of Puberty

Tanner Stage 1

  •  The brain actively sends signals throughout the body to prepare for changes.
  • The hypothalamus [a structure within the brain that acts as the body’s smart coordinating center] prepares to secrete gonadotropin-releasing hormone [GnRH] to the pituitary gland, which in turn creates other hormones that control the rest of the glands within the body.
  • The pituitary gland beings to develop two other hormones; luteinizing hormone [LH] and follicle-stimulating hormone [FSH] [two hormones that stimulate follicular growth and ovulation in females].
  • As mentioned earlier, there’re no visible physical changes for either sex at this stage.

Any development that occurs before the physical changes in your child are described within the tanner stage 1. At this stage, internal development is similar for both boys and girls. It usually starts after a girl’s 8th birthday and a boy’s 9-10th birthday.

However, it is called Precocious Puberty, when puberty starts before this stage.

Tanner Stage 2

In stage 2, you start to notice the physical developments in your child. During this period, hormones actively send signals throughout the body.

Girls. In females, puberty typically begins between 9 and 11. The initial set of signs includes:

  1. The first sign of puberty in females is the development of breasts or ‘buds.’ They slowly notice its formation under the nipple. It can be itchy, tender, or different in size.
  2. The darker area around the nipple also starts to widen.
  3. Few amounts of pubic hair begin to grow around the lips of the vulva while the uterus develops within.

Boys. In males, you normally spot the physical changes around 11 years. The notable developments include:

  1. The testicles and the skin around the testicles [scrotum] begin to enlarge.
  2. Few amounts of pubic hair develop on the base of the penis.

Tanner Stage 3

As they grow up in change, the physical changes will become more obvious. In addition to a jolt of height [also known as a growth spurt], the hormones within the body are also working tirelessly to further development.


The physical changes in girls typically begin after 12. The notable signs include:

  • Breasts or buds continue to grow.
  • Thicker and curlier pubic hair begins to develop.
  • Underarms start showing hair.
  • Acne develops on the face and back.
  • The highest height rate begins around this time.
  • Hips and thighs begin to broaden.

Contrary to girls, signs of puberty start showing for boys around 13. Some changes are:

  • Penis grows longer while the testicles get bigger.
  • Sometimes, they can see breast tissue formation under the nipple. This is common to some teenage boys and will usually disappear in a few years.
  • Boys will have wet dreams or ejaculation at night.
  • As their voice begins to deepen, it can crack oftentimes.
  • Formation and enlargement of muscles.
  • Height increases each year.

Tanner Stage 4

At stage 4, puberty is in full swing! You can see several noticeable changes in both boys and girls.

Girls. Typically, this stage begins at 12 years of age.

  1. With puberty under full swing, breasts develop fully and surpass the bud stage.
  2. Girls will experience their first period between 12 to 14 years.
  3. Height growth will halt slowly.
  4. Pubic hair grows thicker.

Boys. For boys, this stage begins at 14. Changes include:

  1. The testicles, penis, and scrotum will continue to get bigger while the scrotum gets darker.
  2. Armpit hair begins to grow.
  3. Their deeper voice will become permanent.
  4. They may get acne.

Tanner Stage 5

Stage 5 is the concluding chapter of your child’s puberty. They have reached their physical maturation, notable signs, and height.


For girls, stage 5 begins at 15. Changes are:

  • Breasts grow to an average adult size and can continue to grow until 18.
  • Their period will become regular after six months to two years.
  • They reach their adult height.
  • Pubic hair will continue to grow and reach the inner thighs.
  • They will have fully developed reproductive organs and genitals.
  • Hips, thighs, and butt grow out in shape.

In boys, stage 5 begins at 15. Signs are:

  • Their penis, testicles, and scrotum will reach adult size.
  • Pubic hair will continue to grow and reach the inner thighs.
  • They start growing facial hair.
  • Height growth slows down.
  • Muscles continue to build.
  • By 18, most boys have reached their full growth.

Puberty is a wave of changes. The body is growing, and so is the mind. As a child going through puberty, it’s common to feel confused and overwhelmed. And answering their questions can be equally overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be!

Tips to Deal with Puberty in Children

Dr. Mozhgan Sayyad shared a few simple yet effective tips that can help parents educate their children clearly about puberty. The tips are as follows:

1. Understand the Science

Before you begin teaching your child about puberty, it’s best to learn about the science of it. Briefly understanding what’s happening inside the body will definitely help you paint a better picture for them.
Puberty begins with the pituitary gland. It’s a pea-shaped gland at the bottom of the brain responsible for releasing sex hormones. These sex hormones or gonadotropins promote the development of ovaries and testes, which in turn stimulates female and male sex hormones [estrogen and testosterone].
Bonus Tip: Use a diagram to teach your child about the changes in their body clearly. The better their foundation, the easier they will understand puberty.

2. Teach them the Signs

As mentioned before, puberty is a time of constant changes. From spotting hairs in uncomfortable places to spiking in height, there are tons of signs to look out for. That’s why it’s important to teach your child about all the possible changes they might spot during puberty. Understanding these signs can ease their anxiety. Some of the notable signs of puberty to mention are:

  • Hair growth
  • Growth spurt
  • Shape definition [hips curve, breast growth]
  • Acne and skin changes
  • Release of vaginal discharge
  • Change in body odor
  • Mood swings

3. Maintain Healthy & Understanding Relationships with Them

Since puberty brings about massive physical and emotional changes, it’s extremely common for your child to be overwhelmed. Therefore, it becomes all the more crucial for you to provide adequate support. Reassure them that it’s okay, and everything will fall back into place soon. Listen to them and really understand their concerns. This is a time when they need you the most. So, make sure you offer them the best support and care you can give!

4. Answer their Questions

With so much going on in their body, you can expect to hear tons of questions. Whether it’s knowing about their first period or something intimate like sex, parents must keep an open mind to their curiosity.

5. Teach them to Embrace their Differences

Without a doubt, we’re all different. All of our bodies are unique and perform differently. So, it isn’t surprising that children will also face puberty differently. Maybe your child experiences different signs compared to their friends, which must be frustrating for them. In such situations, you must advise them to embrace their differences and love their body for what it is. It’s important they understand that no two bodies are similar and remain patient with their development.

Additional Tips to Boost Your Relationship with Children

  • Praise your child for their efforts and achievements.
  • As puberty is the beginning of adulthood, make sure to celebrate all changes!
  • Encourage their beauty inside and out.
  • With so many changes inside their body, it’s also apparent they may have a shift in appetite. So, it’s essential you encourage a healthy diet for your child.
  • Encourage your child to develop a healthy sleep schedule.
  • Motivate them to get at least 60 minutes of regular exercise to boost their physical and mental health.
  • Always remember to keep an active role in your child’s life.
  • Try to remain calm during their emotional outbursts. As mentioned earlier, puberty comes with confusion. Therefore, remain calm and help them develop healthy coping mechanisms.
  • At the end of the day, put yourself in their shoes. This will help you evidently understand what they are going through.

When to Seek Medical Advice

As we all know, puberty is a natural process that everyone goes through. However, there’re times when girls can experience some complications. Get immediate medical assistance if:

  • Your child is 14 and hasn’t started puberty
  • Your child is 13 and hasn’t developed breasts
  • Your child is 16 and hasn’t started her period
  • Your child has an excessive or unusual amount of pubic hairs
  • Your child shows symptoms of eating disorders or other mental health problems

Without a doubt, puberty is a time of significant emotional and physical changes. But you can reduce the overall anxiety and confusion by educating yourself and your child on each stage and the changes that come along with it. It’s crucial that, as a parent, you seek medical help and support if you have concerns about your child’s development. Book an appointment with Dr. Mozhgan, the best gynecologist in Dubai. With over 25 years of invaluable experience, she can help your child navigate puberty with absolute ease!

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