nutrition and alternative therapy for PCOS
Women's Health

Empower Your PCOS Journey: Natural Ways to Reclaim Your Health and Happiness

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects approximately 1 in 5 women of reproductive age and is characterized by symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycles, excessive hair growth, acne, and the presence of multiple cysts in the ovaries. Women with PCOS often face a range of health challenges, including insulin resistance, obesity, and mental health issues like depression and anxiety. Given the complexity and chronic nature of PCOS, finding effective treatments is crucial for improving the quality of life for those affected.

The Power of Nutritional Supplements for PCOS

Research has shown that women with PCOS are often deficient in several essential vitamins and minerals. This deficiency can worsen the symptoms of PCOS and contribute to other health issues. Nutritional supplements can play a key role in managing PCOS symptoms and improving overall health. Here are some important supplements and their food sources, especially for women in Dubai.

1. Vitamin D: This vitamin is crucial for calcium metabolism and has significant endocrine functions. Studies have shown that vitamin D supplementation can improve insulin resistance and reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). It also helps in balancing hormones, which can alleviate some PCOS symptoms.

In Dubai, where sunlight is abundant, spending 10-15 minutes in the sun several times a week can boost vitamin D levels. Additionally, include foods like oily fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines), fortified dairy products, and egg yolks in your diet.

Vit D for PCOS

2. Inositols (Vitamin B-8): Inositols, including myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol, have been found to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin levels. They can also help regulate menstrual cycles and improve ovulation rates, making them beneficial for women with PCOS.

Inositols can be found in foods such as fruits (oranges, cantaloupe), beans, grains (brown rice, oats), and nuts. Incorporating a variety of these foods into your diet can help increase your inositol intake.

3. Folate (Vitamin B-9): Higher doses of folate have been shown to reduce homocysteine levels, improve insulin resistance, and enhance antioxidant capacity in women with PCOS. This helps in managing both metabolic and reproductive symptoms.

Rich sources of folate include leafy green vegetables (spinach, kale), legumes (beans, lentils), seeds, and fortified cereals. Including these in your diet can help meet your folate needs.

4. Vitamin E: This antioxidant vitamin can reduce oxidative stress and improve endometrial thickness, which is beneficial for women with PCOS-related infertility issues.

Vitamin E is found in foods like nuts (almonds, hazelnuts), seeds (sunflower seeds), green leafy vegetables, and vegetable oils (sunflower, safflower, and wheat germ oil). Including these foods in your daily diet can help boost your vitamin E intake.

Vit E for PCOS

Complementary Therapies: Enhancing PCOS Treatment

In addition to nutritional supplements, various complementary therapies can support the management of PCOS.

1. Acupuncture: Acupuncture has been found to improve menstrual regularity and reduce symptoms like acne and excess hair growth. It works by balancing hormone levels and improving blood flow to the ovaries.

2. Yoga and Mind-Body Practices: Yoga and other stress-reducing practices can significantly improve mental health outcomes for women with PCOS. These practices help reduce anxiety and depression, which are common in PCOS, and improve overall well-being.

3. Herbal Medicine: Herbs like cinnamon have shown promise in improving insulin sensitivity and reducing blood glucose levels. Herbal treatments can be a natural and effective way to manage some of the metabolic symptoms of PCOS.


Managing PCOS requires a comprehensive approach that includes lifestyle changes, nutritional supplements, and complementary therapies. By incorporating these strategies, women with PCOS can achieve better health outcomes and improve their quality of life. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement or therapy to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your individual needs.

This synthesis of current research highlights the potential benefits of various supplements and complementary therapies in managing PCOS. It is essential for women with PCOS to work with their healthcare providers to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses their unique health needs. Book your appointment today with Dr Mozhgan Sayyad.

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