Ureaplasma Urealyticum Infection
Sexually Transmitted Diseases [STD]

Ureaplasma Urealyticum Infection – Overview

Ureaplasma urealyticum is a specific type of bacteria found in the urinary or genital tract of people. Although it’s a normal part of bacterial flora, it can cause infections. Ureaplasma urealyticum infection is primarily transmitted through sexual activity. However, it can also spread from an infected mother to her child during birth. Symptoms include painful urination, unusual foul-smelling discharge, inflammation around the infected area. Side effects of ureaplasma infection is bacterial vaginosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and genitourinary symptoms. In some cases, it can also lead to male and female infertility, and pregnancy complications. Usually, ureaplasma infection is treated through a course of antibiotics. 

What is Ureaplasma Urealyticum? 

Ureaplasma urealyticum is a type of bacteria that is commonly seen in the urinary or genital tract of men and women. It is a normal part of the bacterial flora and in most cases, doesn’t cause any symptoms. However, in some cases, it can lead to infections and other conditions that may cause pain, discharge, and difficulty getting pregnant.

Ureaplasma urealyticum was first discovered in 1954 by Dr. Shepard and Dr. Whitsett from the University of Alabama. Since its discovery, extensive studies have been made to understand its association with genitourinary tract infections. 

Causes and Transmission 

How Does Ureaplasma Urealyticum Infection Spread? 

Ureaplasma is classified as a sexually transmitted disease. It is spread through vaginal, penial, anal, or oral intercourse. Apart from sexual contact, ureaplasma can also spread from an infected mother to her child during birth. 

While sexual contact is the primary route of transmission, some studies also claim that sexually inactive individuals may get infected with ureaplasma. This could happen if they had close physical contact or were exposed to contaminated surfaces. 

How Does Ureaplasma Urealyticum Infection Spread? 

Symptoms of Ureaplasma Urealyticum Infection

The symptoms of ureaplasma urealyticum can vary according to individuals. It’s also important to note that most individuals don’t experience any symptoms, especially during the initial stage of infection.

Some of the common symptoms of ureaplasma urealyticum are: 

  1. Ureaplasma urealyticum Symptoms in Men
    – Painful urination
    – Wetness at the penile tip
    – Unusual or foul-smelling discharge
    – Urethral discomfort
  2. Ureaplasma urealyticum Symptoms in Women
    – Painful urination
    – Unusual or unpleasant discharge
    – Abnormal vaginal discharge
    – Lower abdominal pains
  3. Other Symptoms
    – Inflammation of the urethra
    – Redness or inflammation around the area of infection
    – Need to urinate frequently
    – Dull ache around the urinary tract or genitals
    – Unusual watery discharge 
Symptoms of Ureaplasma Urealyticum Infection

Side Effects of Ureaplasma Urealyticum Infection

Like any other bacterial infection, ureaplasma urealyticum also has its set of side effects. Some of the side effects associated with ureaplasma are: 

  1. Genitourinary Symptoms: In both men and women, ureaplasma infection can lead to several genitourinary symptoms like urethritis [inflammation of the urethra], cervicitis [inflammation of the cervix], and other uncomfortable symptoms like painful intercourse or pain/discomfort during urination. 
  2. Bacterial Vaginosis: Ureaplasma infection can also contribute to bacterial vaginosis. Common symptoms include foul-smelling discharge, burning sensation while peeing, vaginal itching, and abdominal pain. 
  3. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease [PID]: If left untreated in women, ureaplasma infection can manifest into pelvic inflammatory disease causing more severe symptoms like pelvic and abdominal pain and other long-term reproductive issues. 
  4. Pregnancy Complications: Ureaplasma infection in pregnant women increases the risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, and other complications. It’s crucial for pregnant women to get adequate care and treatment to limit the spread and prevent difficulties. 
  5. Infertility: Prolonged cases of ureaplasma infections can increase the chance of infertility in women. 
  6. Male Infertility: According to research, ureaplasma and male infertility has strong connections. This infection can directly impact the sperms by morphing and damaging its quality.
  7. Other Infections: If left untreated, ureaplasma infection can increase the risk of other conditions like kidney stones, respiratory diseases in newborns, and higher chance of contracting other STIs like HIV. In extreme cases, ureaplasma infection can spread across the body and damage nerves, joints, and muscles, leading to other severe complications. 
Risk Factors of Ureaplasma Urealyticum Infection 

Risk Factors of Ureaplasma Urealyticum Infection

Some of the risk factors that contribute to ureaplasma infection in both men and women are: 

  1. Young Age: Younger individuals who are sexually active are at a higher risk of contracting the infection. 
  2. Multiple Partners: Having new or multiple sex partners can increase the chance of getting STIs, including ureaplasma. 
  3. Unprotected Sexual Activity: Risky behaviors can increase the chance of ureaplasma infection. 
  4. Weakened Immune System: Individuals with a compromised immune system are at a higher risk of contracting ureaplasma infection. 
  5. Lower Socioeconomic Status: Individuals in lower socioeconomic status may have a higher chance of ureaplasma infection. This can be due to several factors like limited access to proper hygiene and exposure to contaminated areas. 

Diagnosis of Ureaplasma Urealyticum Infection 

As the cells of ureaplasma urealyticum are small in size, special labs and equipment are required to detect it. Some of the methods of diagnosis are: 

  1. Polymerase Chain Reaction [PCR] Test: A PCR test is a highly sensitive test that can detect the DNA of ureaplasma bacteria. The swabs are taken through urine samples or vaginal swabs. 
  2. Culture Testing: Ureaplasma can also be cultured from vaginal or urethral swabs. However, this method is more time consuming than a PCR test, but they can provide an in-depth understanding of the type of ureaplasma bacteria present. 
  3. Clinical Evaluation: In some cases, noting the symptoms can help identify the infection and prompt further testing. 

Apart from these tests, ureaplasma infection can also be detected through endometrial swab and endometrial biopsy. 

How to Prevent Ureaplasma Urealyticum Infection 

Treatment for Ureaplasma Urealyticum Infection 

Ureaplasma infection is usually treated through a course of antibiotics. The choice of medication depends upon the individual, their symptoms, and other clinical considerations. Some of the common antibiotics are: 

  • Doxycycline: Urinary tract infections caused by ureaplasma may be treated with doxycycline. The usual course is between 7-14 days. 
  • Azithromycin: Similar to doxycycline, azithromycin may also be used to treat urinary tract infections caused by ureaplasma. However, the azithromycin is taken as a single larger dosa or as a short course [5 days]. 
  • Levofloxacin: Fluoroquinolone antibiotics, like levofloxacin, may be prescribed if the bacteria is resistant to other antibiotics. 
  • Erythromycin: Erythromycin, a type of macrolides, may also be used to treat ureaplasma infections. This medicine is also recommended for newborns with lung problems that’s caused by ureaplasma infections or in case the infection is resistant to other antibiotics. 

For pregnant women, it’s important to offer specialized treatment for the infection. In case of premature rupture in pregnant women, azithromycin, erythromycin, and clarithromycin may be used. 

How to Prevent Ureaplasma Urealyticum Infection? 

The best prevention from ureaplasma infection is to abstain from all sexual activities. Some of the other helpful prevention tips are: 

  1. Practice Safe Sex: If you’re sexually active, it’s important to practice safe sex consistently and correctly to reduce the risk of STIs. 
  2. Limit Sexual Partners: Reducing the number of sexual partners can also help in reducing the exposure to STIs. Also, know the sexual health status of your partner before engaging in sexual activities. 
  3. Regular STI Screenings: If you’re sexually active, it’s best to regularly screen for STIs, especially if you have multiple partners or engage in risky behaviors. Early detection can help prevent further escalations and transmission.  
  4. Maintain Good Hygiene: Practice good genital hygiene to reduce the risk of STI. Also, avoid douching, and harsh chemicals or scented soaps that can disrupt the natural pH balance of the genital flora. 
    Related: Why Avoid Vaginal Douching
  5. Seek Immediate Care: If you experience symptoms of genital infection, seek immediate care. Correct diagnosis and timely treatment can prevent further complications. 

    Related: STD & How to Protect Yourself
How to Prevent Ureaplasma Urealyticum Infection 

Get Help with Dr. Mozhgan 

As you can see, ureaplasma urealyticum infection is an STI that requires immediate care and treatment. If you suspect ureaplasma urealyticum infection in yourself or your partner, contact Dr. Mozhgan. She is one of the best gynecologists in Dubai. With over 25 years of extensive knowledge and experience, she has helped countless people overcome STI. 

Book an appointment today and take control of your sexual health! 


Q1. Can ureaplasma urealyticum infection be cured naturally? 

In some cases, the infection does go away on its own. But it’s usually treated through antibiotics. 

Q2. Can ureaplasma urealyticum infection cause joint pain? 

In severe cases, the infection can spread across the body and damage joints, nerves, and muscles, thus causing joint pains. 

Q3. Can ureaplasma urealyticum infection cause pneumonia? 

It may cause pneumonia in extreme cases where the infection has spread throughout the body.

Q4. Can ureaplasma urealyticum infection cause infertility in men?  

According to scientific studies, ureaplasma infection can affect the sperm’s quality, its number, and the ability to move, potentially causing infertility in men. 

Q5. Can ureaplasma urealyticum infection cause infertility in women? 

If left untreated, prolonged cases of infection may impact their ability to conceive, potentially causing infertility in women. 

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