Table of Contents
Parenting a Teenager – Understanding Their World
Teenagers face true problems between 13 and 19 years of age on a daily basis as this is the most amateurish stage of their lives. During this period, teens are exposed to many devastating external and internal struggles.
They are expected to cope with hormonal changes, puberty, social and parental forces, peer views, and school pressures. Many teens feel misunderstood. It is very crucial that their feelings and thoughts are validated and that the approval comes from their parents.
Parents need to have excellent communication with their children who have been dealing with teenage period issues, carefully and in a friendly manner to discuss the concern(s).
Root Causes of Common Teenage Problems
- Self-Esteem and Body Image
- Stress
- Bullying
- Depression
- Cyber Addiction
- Drinking and Smoking
- Teen Pregnancy
- Underage Sex
- Aggressive Behaviors
- Peer-Pressure and Competition
Following are some of the most essential steps to build a proper relationship with teens and handle their problems effectively. None of the solutions work separately, and a combination of some or all will be most effective.
3 Steps to Improve Your Relationship with Your Teen
Early Identification
Changes in sleep and eating habits, deceased passion for normal and healthy activities, dropping grades in school and college, and preferred isolation are all early signs of depression. Increased demands to perform, competing with friends, etc., may also lead to unwanted stress. Being cautious towards these signs at the beginning may square/stop further harm and guide them towards sound methods for managing their worries.
Knowledge about their transition
It is crucial that teens feel validated in their feelings and thoughts because what they are going through is a real part of their lives. Parents and guardians should not judge or criticize their feelings or thoughts. Some of their emotions are anger, confusion, nervousness, dislike towards their parents or elders, a strong desire for privacy, etc. Aggressive behaviors result from their inability to appropriately deal with the intensity of these emotions and aggravate common teenage problems.
Transferring Knowledge
One of the problems that roots in curiosity and the need for independence or a sense of control can be probing with underage consumption of alcohol or drugs, physical intimacy, or teenage pregnancy.
In most cultures, It is often believed that educating the child about sex will lead them to want to explore. However, that is a myth.
Talking to your children will enable them to be informed and ready and clear away the “taboo” from the topic. Due to easy access to the internet, they can search everything on the net easily.
Cyber addiction is the fastest-growing concern amongst other common teenage problems. Parents should talk to their teens and make them informed of internet safety and security.
Timely, Friendly, and regular conversations about these topics will help them make informed choices.
Parenting A Teenager – Bonus Tips To Overcome Relationship Problems
Son or daughter is a unique experience that makes you feel happier and younger. Try it!
The teen’s opinion or decisions will empower their self-confidence and self-esteem. Most youths’ ability to develop positive self-esteem is affected by family life and parental criticism.
Making respect will help in real close communication between parents and the child.
Every parent has a different opinion towards parenting. Proper connection and communication between the child and parents is essential during the teenage years. Communication is the key to developing empathy, resulting in the child feeling comfortable talking to their parents.
Finding the correct balance between being a friend and a parent is important as this will help develop the required connection.
Trust and Acceptance
Being a parent who is the closest friend to your teenage son or daughter is a unique experience that makes you feel happier and younger. Try it!
Trust is the basis of any relationship. Inspections of their private stuff, cross-questioning/checking with friends, or doubting will ruin the bond, leading to aggressive behaviors such as lying, stealing, hiding, and being rude.
It is important to accept your teens as they are and to build trust in them.
Each teenager has her or his specific abilities that you, as a parent, can help them to discover and be proud of that! Self-esteem is something you can play a big role in shaping in your teenage children!
Be their Best friend!
A clear communication channel opens up many possibilities. This not only enforces the relationship but also helps the child trust the parents about sensitive topics like bullying, peer pressure, and abuse.
Parents need to feel free to talk to their teens about certain common teenage problems like dating, sex, drugs, and alcohol. Talk and talk and talk!
Effective use of communication will enhance the building of trust, respect, and acceptance between the teen and the parent.
Be their best friend and guide them without being demanding.
The years between 13-19 years are usually classified as turbulent times as the children are going through many growth changes, physically and mentally. One of the best options is to approach these concerns with empathy and love.
Parents have to find innovative ways to connect with their children and build a relationship to effectively support them during this difficult phase of growing up.